Supported Independent Living Vacancies!
Currently CCLO Living has the following vacancies in the Central Coast area.
To apply or for more information, please contact us here.

1x Minnamurra
This property is located in the Gorokan area, close to Lake Haven Shopping Centre and within walking distance of the Wyong Leagues Club. The home is an open plan Platinum build that offers five good sized bedrooms, two bathrooms, living area kitchen and large outside patio area. This property would suit young males with moderate to high support needs and limited communication skills. The environment is fully accessible and residents are supported 24 hours a day in an awake overnight model.

1 x Wall Road
This property is located in Gorokan, close to local beaches and Lake Haven Shopping Centre. The group home is an open plan five bedroom single story layout with an outdoor patio area. Having been recently finished to fully accessible Platinum Standards, it offers 5 good size bedrooms, two large bathrooms, 2 separate Living areas and kitchen. The house is fully accessible and is operated by highly trained disability support staff 24 hours a day with an awake overnight model.
This property would suit males in their 50’s and 60’s with intellectual disabilities or dementia with low to moderate levels of communication and independence.

1 x Lily Lane
We have one vacancy in a beautiful house
in Lily Lane, Woongarrah.
This is a five bedroom group home with 4 current long term mixed gender
residents. This home offers a vibrant
and supportive environment for individuals, who require mod to high levels of
support, with a mid range level of communication. The house is supported by trained CCLO
Living staff 24 hours a day with a sleepover model.
Current residents are mixed age and genders and enjoy an active group social life including going for walks, picnic and trips to the beach.

2 x Scenic Circle
This brand new home platinum build group home in Budgewoi, offers 5 good size bedrooms, two large bathrooms, 2 separate living areas and kitchen. The environment is fully accessible and residents are supported 24 hours a day in an awake overnight model by trained CCLO Living staff. Our residents have active social lives through community access and group activities such as BBQ’s, trips to beach and day trips around the Central Coast.
This property would suit females with moderate to high support needs and limited communication skills.
Whizzy the Waterdrop visits Wakool
Whizzy, the Water Drop popped into Wakool last month to spread the Central Coast Council’s drought and water conservation campaign. David Meehan, and Jeannee Kop, all pitched in to help Whizzy educate the public on water wastage in the local area. Being Water Smart, when doing simple things like turning on taps, brushing teeth or watering gardens can save thousands of litres of water a year and help keep the Central Coast a beautiful place to live for years to come.
Everyone had a great day and Whizzy gave our residents, a “water smart” thumbs up for all their great work!
David on Tour

David has just returned from a wonderful holiday in Darwin with his keyworker Jessie.
David went on a coach tour and saw some wonderful parks and sites. He was very excited to have his photo taken with a baby crocodile when he visited Crocodile Cove.
Community Participation for Yvette

Yvette had a wonderful day in her Community Participation programme to visit the Australian Reptile Park on Saturday 20th July. Yvette got the opportunity to pat a dingo, hold a crocodile, snake and pat a Koala. The koala was her favourite!
Yvette enjoyed her day so much and looks forward to more outings on the horizon with her CCLO Living Community Support Team.
Message from the Board of Management
End of financial year 2019 is upon us, and whilst accounts have not yet been audited, it is pleasing to report that CCLO has again finished in a strong financial position. This is in no small part due to the fantastic CEO, management team and support staff we have and their dedication to ensuring CCLO remains the disability service provider of choice on the Central Coast.
Expansion of our accommodation continues at a cracking pace, with a new property at Scenic Circle Budgewoi opening at the end of June. This property will be home to five new people, two of whom have moved in already, with the rest to follow shortly. Another property at Wall Road Gorokan will be ready for occupancy in the near future and this too will house five new clients. Construction of our Stage 2 Minnamurra Road Gorokan is due to commence in the next few weeks and will add a further five accommodation places.
With this level of expansion, recruiting of qualified staff for our properties is a high priority. Staff training in Certificate III Disability in conjunction with Hornsby Kuringai Community College has already commenced and feedback has been very positive.
On another positive note, CCLO has won a substantial grant from the Health Department for clients over age 65. This grant will be used for important services for the three over 65 clients that we already provide care for.
You will have noticed the fresh new look for our stationery, signs and marketing material, with uniforms and vehicle branding to follow. The new logo, “CCLO Living”, gives a modern look to our business profile and has been well received.
Judy Andrews Chairperson
Board of Management
Did you know…
The NSW Government is establishing an “Ageing & Disability Commissioner”, Mr Robert Fitzgerald from the 1st July 2019, “to better protect adults with a Disability & Older people, from abuse neglect and exploitation, in home and community settings”.
From the CEO’s Desk
Have you found yourself at times lately sitting in front of the TV watching either the “news”, which of course these days is not the “news” but more particularly opinion pieces delivered by so called experts on all things, or one of the many other information programmes, again delivered by an interviewer surrounded by many “experts” on the subject under discussion.
I, like many of you, I am sure at times disagree with what is being said and I find myself talking to the TV hoping for a more detailed response but to no avail.
The subject of the NDIS is a much-debated topic on those programmes and is a subject of great interest to me, as it is the system, that in its infancy, was promising to deliver to well deserving people with a disability, a quality of life they so richly deserve but had up till then, not been delivered.
I watch with interest spokespersons from the NDIS/NDIA deliver such words as:
- “We are on budget” I must
confess, I struggle with this phrase
what does it actually mean? - Does it mean that all the
supports that have been delivered
to participants are adequate to meet their needs? - Does it mean that the budget
expended for each participant
has been seen by the participant as acceptable - Does it mean that the
participants needs have been
met according to some budgetary pre-determination or - Does it mean that the budget
allocated to the NDIS over
all areas for a given period has been expended?
Maybe it is a question of “take your pick”, words can have different meanings to many of us. Another series of words often used is “the NDIS will supply to participants whatever is reasonable and necessary”
Again for me, another struggle with terminology “Reasonable and necessary” but accordingly to who, the NDIS or the participants and/or their advocate. Of late there have been a number of AAT (Administrative Appeals Tribunal) decisions that have judged that the NDIS interpretations of “reasonable and necessary” are not those shared by participants or in fact the AAT.
This organization and the writer are hugely supportive of the NDIS ethos, but when we look at some of the delays, logjams and lack of plain speak, where individual circumstances are simply viewed in terms of a statistical box we need to question the language used and gauge what we are really being told.
Kevin Johnston
Chief Executive Officer